We are compelled to speak out in opposition to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We are compelled to speak out in support of the Ukrainian people as they resist shameless aggression and fight to protect their country. Every country in the Humanity in Action network–Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, France, Germany, Poland, The Netherlands and the United States–has a deep stake in supporting the Ukrainians as they seek to preserve their democracy. Over many years, Ukrainian Fellows have participated in the Polish and German programs and Diversity and Diplomacy Fellowship. The Ukrainian Fellows have consistently brought their idealism, dedication and courage to enrich the programs. We will extend our support to them. Russia’s aggression is designed to undermine all of our democracies and national stability. Thus, Ukrainian resistance is essential to ours as well. Here you can find a list of Ukrainian charities for those who wish to make contributions to those in great need in Ukraine.
Link: https://www.humanityinaction.org/news_item/press-release-poland-in-support-of-ukraine/